Blogs NeoVim Is Better, But Why Developers Aren't Switching To It?

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4th March, 2025

NeoVim Is Better, But Why Developers Aren't Switching To It?

"The Editor of Tomorrow with Yesterday's User Experience" – A deep dive into NeoVim's untapped potential and the specific improvements it needs to compete with mainstream Code Editors and IDEs in modern era.

From guided setup wizards to integrated debugging, discover how NeoVim could transform from a power-user curiosity into the development tool of choice for programmers of all levels.

For your information, IDE: Integrated Development Environment


In the ever-evolving landscape of development tools, NeoVim stands as a testament to the philosophy that less can indeed be more. Yet, despite its technical prowess, blazing speed, and infinite customizability, many developers still cling to their bulky IDEs like a security blanket.

As someone who has danced with VS Code, Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans and WebStorm before finding solace in NeoVim, I've witnessed both sides of this digital divide.

Since many years NeoVim has evolved significantly, but the mass migration of developers remains difficult to trackdown. Why? Because sometimes power isn't enough—sometimes, you need to make that power accessible.

The Undeniable Strengths of NeoVim

Let's start with what makes NeoVim the hidden gem of Development environments:

Unparalleled Customization:

  • NeoVim isn't just customizable; it's practically a blank canvas waiting for your artistic touch.
  • The customization options are virtually limitless. Want your editor to play a tiny victory song every time you fix a bug? There's probably a Lua script for that.
  • Need a completely personalized workflow that matches your unique coding style? NeoVim says "yes, and what else?"

Resource Efficiency & Performance:

  • NeoVim excels with lightning-fast performance even in massive codebases. While VS Code chokes on that monolithic enterprise project, NeoVim hums along, indexing files with the efficiency of a caffeinated librarian.
  • NeoVim validates and indexes large projects in seconds, while VS Code users are left staring at their spinning icons, contemplating the meaning of life.
  • This becomes painfully obvious when working with large projects where VS Code decides to take a coffee break every time you open a new file in that much time NeoVim users have already committed three features and are halfway through their fourth.

The WSL Experience:

  • Running NeoVim in WSL 2 with your favorite Linux distro in Windows Terminal is genuinely a revelation it's like discovering that vegetables can actually taste good when prepared correctly.
  • This creates a development environment and experience that's both powerful and flexible. It's like having the best of all worlds without the bloat that comes with most modern Code Editors and IDEs.

Why Developers Stay Away: The Harsh Truths

Despite these advantages, NeoVim remains a niche tool. Here's why Developers hesitate to make the leap:

  1. The Onboarding Experience: "Here's a Blank Canvas. Good Luck."

      New NeoVim users are often greeted with what amounts to a digital blank slate and a cryptic :help command. It's the equivalent of handing someone building materials and saying, "I hear you want a house?"

      The initial experience goes something like this:

      • Install Vim and then NeoVim
      • Open it up
      • See a mostly blank screen
      • Type random letters because you don't know how to enter Insert Mode
      • Google "how to setup NeoVim"
      • Sees 2-3 hours of tutorial but always you have to maintain config
      • Tired because some LSPs, Linters, DAPs and Formatters aren't working
      • Install VS Code

      Even with NeoVim distros like LazyVim, AstroNvim, LunarVim and NvChad attempting to solve this problem, their documentation often presumes a level of knowledge that beginners simply don't have. They casually throw around terms like "LSP," "treesitter," and "DAP" as if everyone knew the meaning of it while downloading their distro.

      Documentation will tell you to "just add this to your config" without specifying which of the 37 configuration files they're referring to. Is it init.lua? lua/plugins/config.lua? That random file you created three weeks ago in a desperate attempt to make autocompletion work?

  2. The Learning Curve: Mount Everest Has Better Handrails

    Learning NeoVim isn't just steep but it's practically vertical. The modal editing paradigm requires rewiring your brain, and the keyboard shortcuts feel like they were designed by someone who really enjoys watching people suffer. The modal editing paradigm is fantastic once mastered but feels like trying to write with your non-dominant hand while standing on your head for newcomers. "Oh, you want to copy a line? That's yy. Want to paste? That's p. Want to save your file? That's :w. Want to quit? That's :q. Want to save and quit? That's :wq. Want to quit without saving? That's :q!. Want to question your editor choices? Just keep using NeoVim for another hour." Meanwhile, in VS Code land, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, and Ctrl + S work exactly as they have since the dawn of graphical user interfaces. This initial friction is enough to send many developers running back to the comfortable arms of their GUI editors.

  3. Time Investment: "I Just Want to Code, Not Build an Editor"

    Developers often operate under tight deadlines. The thought process becomes: "Why spend 20 hours configuring NeoVim when I could be using those 20 hours to actually build something?" This is the "fast-way-to-code" mindset, and it's not wrong. When your manager is breathing down your neck for that feature that was due yesterday, experimenting with which statusline plugin looks prettier isn't exactly a priority. Imagine tring to configure LSPs, DAPs, Formatters and Linters for 3-4 hours and still not getting expected result.

  4. Documentation That Assumes You Already Know Everything

    NeoVim distros like LazyVim, AstroNvim, LunarVim and NvChad have made progress, but their documentation still reads like it was written by developers for developers who are already NeoVim experts: "Simply add this Lua snippet to your config." Great, but... which config? Where? How? Do I restart something? Why is nothing happening? Why am I now in a floating terminal with Chinese characters appearing randomly?

  5. Plugin Management: The Dependency Labyrinth

    NeoVim's plugin ecosystem is robust but fragmented. You need a plugin manager to install plugins, then you need plugins to manage the plugins that manage your editor, then you need configuration for those plugins, and then you need to solve the inevitable conflicts. "Oh, you installed both Plugin A and Plugin B? Too bad they both have the same keybindings and now your editor crashes every time you press the spacebar." In modern era, we're still dealing with multiple plugin managers, incompatible plugins, and the constant fear that updating one package will break your entire setup. Meanwhile, VS Code users click "install" and get back to work. I ain't saying that VS Code is better but I am trying to convey that VS Code makes it easy for Developers to install/uninstall plugins in one click but even after coding 10 lines of config in NeoVim it will break the changes.

  6. The Configuration Black Hole

    NeoVim's plugin ecosystem is robust but fragmented. You need a plugin manager to install plugins, then you need plugins to manage the plugins that manage your editor, then you need configuration for those plugins, and then you need to solve the inevitable conflicts. Even with distros, the amount of tinkering required to get a productive environment can be overwhelming. Developers think, "Why spend days configuring an editor when I could be writing actual code?" When a Developer is working in a common development environment in a company or an organization then the space indenting, formatting and other type of stuffs are common for all the developers so they just use common .vscode config folder. .vscode is a folder which contains VS Code workspace settings as well as configurations.

  7. Framework-Specific Tooling: "Where's My XYZ Component Generator?"

    Modern Code Editors and IDEs offer framework-specific tools that dramatically improve development speed. VS Code has official extensions for Laravel, Angular.JS, React.JS, Svelte.JS, Vue.JS, Ruby On Rails, Django, Spring, etc. that provide LSP, scaffolding, code generation, code formation, and specialized insights. WebStorm's JavaScript framework(s) integration, Herd's Laravel integration, IntelliJ IDEA's Spring integration, PyCharm's Django integration, RubyMine's Ruby On Rails integration, all these IDE understands the relationship between templates, components, linters, formatters, LSPs and services, providing navigation and refactoring that respects these relationships. In NeoVim, you're mostly limited to generic language support without the deep framework understanding that makes modern web development more manageable.

  8. The "Works on My Machine" Syndrome

    One of the most frustrating aspects of NeoVim is the inconsistency between environments. Your perfectly crafted setup that runs flawlessly on your Linux desktop suddenly falls apart on your MacBook. Try setting up the same configuration on a Windows machine, and you might as well be translating ancient Sumerian. And then you have to install 90 dependencies for it, and then you remembered that you need different plugin manager so now you have to install plugin managers and then it (may) work. Code Editors and LSPs users are accustomed to opening their editor on any machine and finding everything exactly where they left it, settings synced via the cloud, extensions automatically installed. NeoVim users, meanwhile, are busy debugging why their treesitter parser and LSPs are segfaulting on one machine but not another.

The Path Forward: How NeoVim Can Conquer In Modern Era

If NeoVim wants to move beyond its cult following and into the mainstream, here's the roadmap:

  1. A Revolutionary Onboarding Experience

    NeoVim needs a guided, interactive setup process that asks meaningful questions and configures the editor accordingly. Instead of throwing users into the deep end, it should offer a step-by-step wizard:

      File Explorer Preferences:
    • "Where would you like your file explorer? Left side, right side, or default?"
    • Clear screenshots comparing nvim-tree, neo-tree, and oil.nvim with visual examples of each
    • One-click setup based on selection
      Language(s) Support:
    • "Which languages do you work with?" (Multiple selection dropdown)
    • Automatic installation of appropriate LSPs, linters, and formatters
    • Pre-configured with optimal settings rated by Developer Experience (DX)
    • Clear explanation of what's being installed
      Theme Selection:
    • Visual theme gallery showing actual editor screenshots
    • Categories like "Dark," "Light," and "Dracula-vampire mode" (for those late-night coding sessions)
    • Live preview as you hover over options, similar to VS Code's theme picker
      Status Line and Tab Preferences:
    • Visual comparison between options like lualine and staline
    • Buffer tab options with screenshots of barbar or bufferline
    • Clear explanations of what each option provides
      Git Integration:
    • Simple toggles for common git features like gutter indicators for changes
    • Blame line integration options
    • Commit interface preferences
    • LazyGit installation for better GUI for Git stuffs
      Keybinding Philosophy:
    • "Which keybinding style suits you?" with options like Classic Vim, VS Code-style, most popular or high rated as per community
    • Custom keybinding builder with conflict detection
    • Printable cheat sheet generation based on final configuration
    After setup, a popup message: "Your personalized configuration has been saved to ~/.config/nvim. Detailed documentation about setups and plugins are available at"

  2. Level-Based Educational Integration

    NeoVim should include an interactive tutorial that lives within the editor itself and not just vimtutor, but a modern, gamified experience that teaches users progressively. NeoVim or other NeoVim distros should add level based and points based system which can be used locally in the device and the user can learn Vim keybindings and other important things while playing this level-based Educational Integration type tutor. Level based and points based just like how does it when a developer learns new language or/and technology from their website. Imagine a sidebar with daily tips that introduce one new powerful feature each day, with animated examples. Or a "NeoVim Challenge Mode" that rewards users for learning efficient editing patterns.

  3. Pre-Configured Environments

    Instead of expecting every developer to build their perfect environment from scratch, NeoVim or NeoVim distros should offer pre-configured setups for common development scenarios:

    • Web Development (HTML, CSS, TailwindCSS, JavaScript/TypeScript)
    • Python Development
    • Go Development
    • Rust Development
    • Java / Kotlin Development
    • C# / .Net Development
    • C / C++ Development
    Each environment would come with appropriate plugins, language servers, code formatters and proper defaults while still allowing for customization.

  4. A Unified Plugin Marketplace

    NeoVim needs a visual, searchable plugin marketplace similar to VS Code's extensions marketplace ( . Users should be able to browse, install, and configure plugins without editing configuration files. The NeoVim Marketplace should include ratings, reviews, compatibility information, and one-click installation with automatic dependency resolution.

  5. Better Image and Community Outreach

    Let's be honest: NeoVim has a bit of an image problem. It's often seen as a tool for elitists or programming purists. More accessible marketing that highlights productivity gains without the intimidation factor could help broaden its appeal. Developers who use NeoVim and Emacs are seen as nerds and old-school people who code on ThinkPad.

  6. GUI Components Where They Matter

    While maintaining its terminal-first approach, NeoVim should embrace graphical UI components for tasks where they genuinely add value:

    • Integrated debugging interfaces
    • Git diff and merge tools
    • Profile visualization for performance tuning
    • Data visualization for appropriate languages
    These could be implemented as optional features that maintain compatibility with terminal-only environments while enhancing the experience where graphical capabilities are available.

The Community's Role

The NeoVim community is passionate and knowledgeable, but sometimes that passion creates an unintentional barrier. There's a tendency to respond to newcomer questions with "RTFM" or "just check the wiki," forgetting that the manual and wiki are often as intimidating as the editor itself.

    What we need is:
  • More beginner-friendly documentation with clear, specific instructions
  • Video tutorials that don't assume prior Vim knowledge. (ThePrimeagen, Teej_dv and Josean Martinez already did)
  • Template configurations with extensive comments explaining each setting. (Kickstart.Nvim already fulfilled it)
  • A more welcoming attitude toward "silly" questions

Distros Are Trying, But...

NeoVim distros like LazyVim, AstroNvim, LunarVim, and NvChad are attempting to bridge the gap, but they often fall into the same traps:

  • Documentation that says "add this to your config" without specifying which file and where to add it
  • Assumption of basic Vim and Lua knowledge
  • Overwhelming users with too many features at once
  • Focusing on power users rather than newcomers
These distros need to remember that their target audience includes people who might be opening Vim and NeoVim for the first time, not just Vim veterans looking for a new flavor.

Conclusion: The Future Is Bright, If Slightly Blurry

NeoVim has the potential to become the dominant editor of choice for Developers across all experience levels. Its technical foundation is solid, its performance is unmatched, and its customizability is unparalleled. What stands in its way isn't technical limitations but human factors: ease of use, learning curve, and time investment. By addressing these issues, NeoVim could transform from "that editor that hardcore Developers use" to "that editor that makes every Developer more productive." In modern era, the question shouldn't be "Why aren't developers switching to NeoVim?" but rather "Why would anyone use anything else?" Until then, I'll be here, happily using my over-engineered NeoVim setup, silently judging my colleagues as they wait for their IDEs to load, and occasionally helping them Google "how to setup Vim" when they accidentally open it. Because some traditions never die.


Abbreviations Full Form
NV NeoVim
IDE Integrated Development Environment
DX Developer Experience
LSP Language Server Protocol
DAP Debug Adapter Protocol
WSL Windows Subsystem for Linux
GUI Graphical User Interface

The logos used in this article are registered trademarks of their respective owners. They are included for informational purposes only, and no affiliation or endorsement is implied.

  • The Microsoft Visual Studio logo is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
  • The Microsoft Visual Studio Code logo is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
  • The WebStorm logo is a registered trademark of JetBrains s.r.o.
  • The IntelliJ IDEA logo is a registered trademark of JetBrains s.r.o.
  • The NeoVim logo is a registered trademark of the NeoVim community.

All trademarks, logos, and brand names mentioned in this article belong to their respective owners.

NeoVim Is Better, But Why Developers Aren't Switching To It? by Kush Creates is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

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