Blogs Why You Shouldn't Delete Features...
28th Dec, 2024
Why You Shouldn't Delete Features: A Developer's Love Letter to 'Unpopular' Code
In a world obsessed with metrics and user counts, here's a refreshing take on why keeping your 'underperforming' features alive might be the smartest decision you'll make.
Join me as we explore the often-overlooked benefits of feature preservation, sprinkled with real-world examples, tech industry insights, and a healthy dose of developer humor.
Whether you're a seasoned CTO or a startup founder torn between keeping or killing that pet feature, this article might just change your perspective on what truly matters in software development.
The Great Feature Purge: A Modern Tech Tragedy
Before we dive in, let me paint you a picture. Imagine you're at a restaurant, and they decide to remove your favorite dish just because only 5% of customers order it. Sure, their analytics show it's not a "popular" choice, but what about those loyal customers who come specifically for that one dish? That's exactly what we do in tech when we hastily remove features. We're essentially telling our users, "Sorry, your use case isn't mainstream enough for us!"
Why Keeping 'Unpopular' Features Makes More Sense Than Your 'Vague' Excuses
Credibility: The Trust Currency
In the fast-paced world of technology, credibility isn't just about having the latest features but also it's about maintaining what you've built. When companies preserve their features, they demonstrate a commitment that goes beyond the superficial metrics. It's like that local bookstore that keeps rare books in stock, not because they're bestsellers, but because they understand the value of maintaining a comprehensive collection.
Think about platforms like Reddit or StackOverFlow. They've kept seemingly "outdated" features alive because they understand that their credibility isn't built on constant change, but on consistency and reliability. Even when newer, shinier alternatives emerge, these platforms maintain their core features, showing users they can count on them for the long haul.
Consider these real-world impacts of maintaining features:
- Users develop muscle memory with your interface, creating a sense of familiarity.
- Organizations can build long-term strategies knowing your features won't disappear overnight.
- Documentation and training materials remain relevant, saving resources across the ecosystem.
- Third-party integrations can rely on your API endpoints, fostering a stable development environment.
Beyond The Money Game
Keeping features alive when they're not bringing in the big money shows a depth of understanding that's rare in today's profit-driven tech landscape.
It's like maintaining a public park but it might not generate direct revenue, but its value to the community is immeasurable. This approach demonstrates a mature business perspective that understands value isn't always measured in daily active users or conversion rates.
When users see a platform maintaining features that serve niche communities or specific use cases, they recognize a commitment to service over sales.
Take Wikipedia, for example, they've maintained countless features and tools that serve small but dedicated communities of editors, proving that their mission transcends mere monetization.
The long-term benefits of this approach include:
- Building a reputation for reliability and user-centric development.
- Creating a more diverse and inclusive platform that serves various user needs.
- Attracting users who value stability over flashy new features.
- Developing a more sustainable and ethical business model.
Trust: More Precious Than Your Production Database
Building trust in the tech world is like trying to maintain a perfect uptime – it takes constant effort and attention. When users invest time in learning your platform's features, they're not just learning functionality; they're investing trust in your ecosystem. Breaking that trust by removing features is like introducing a critical bug into production – the damage can be far-reaching and long-lasting.
Consider the case of Microsoft Windows operating system. Despite pressure to streamline and modernize, they've maintained backward compatibility with legacy applications (e.g. Windows Vista, Windows 7) because they understand the trust businesses and organizations have placed in their platform. This commitment to feature preservation has been a key factor in their continued dominance in the enterprise market
The preservation of features builds trust through:
- Demonstrating respect for users' workflows and investments.
- Showing commitment to long-term support and maintenance.
- Creating a stable environment for business planning and growth.
- Fostering confidence in future platform adoption and integration.
Social Impact: Technology with a Conscience
The Graveyard of Abandoned Greatness
Let's take a moment to explore some of the most impactful discontinued features and products that left users stranded.
Google Reader's shutdown in 2013 created a void in the RSS reader space that many argue has never been truly filled. It's like removing a beloved neighborhood coffee shop – sure, there are alternatives, but the community loses something special in the process.
Adobe Flash, despite its security issues, was a cornerstone of web creativity and interactive content. Its discontinuation affected countless educational resources, games, and interactive experiences.
While modern web technologies have emerged, many unique interactive experiences from the Flash era are now lost to time, like ancient texts we can no longer decipher.
Notable examples of impactful discontinuations:
- Windows Live Messenger: Connected millions globally before its merger with Skype
- Vine: Created a unique form of short-form creativity that even TikTok doesn't quite replicate
- Google Inbox: Introduced innovative email management features that Gmail still hasn't fully matched
- Microsoft Windows Phone: Offered unique UI innovations that could have pushed mobile UX forward
- YouTube Community Contributions (CC): Allowed viewers to add captions in the creator's video but was discontinued because of racism in captions
The Testing Playground
Maintaining diverse features creates an invaluable testing ecosystem that goes beyond simple functionality checks.
It's like having a fully equipped laboratory – you might not use every piece of equipment daily, but each tool provides unique insights and opportunities for innovation. These features serve as real-world testing grounds for edge cases and unexpected user behaviors.
The diversity of features also provides crucial data about how different user groups interact with your platform. For instance, LinkedIn has maintained various profile customization features that, while not universally used, provide insights into how professionals across different industries present themselves online.
The Creation-Deletion Tension
Creating software features is an complex mixture of design, development, testing, and refinement. It requires deep understanding of user needs, technical constraints, and business objectives.
Deletion, while technically simple, ignores this complexity and the wealth of knowledge embedded in existing features. It's like the difference between writing a novel and burning one but creation requires careful craft, while destruction takes mere moments.
The Legacy Code Chronicles
Legacy code isn't just old software but it's also a historical record of solutions to problems that might still be relevant today. Much like archaeological artifacts, legacy features provide insights into past challenges and how they were solved. They serve as a reminder that today's "obsolete" solution might be tomorrow's inspiration for innovation.
The preservation of legacy features also maintains compatibility with older systems and workflows that might still be critical for certain users. Banking systems, for instance, often maintain seemingly outdated features because they're essential for long-standing business processes and compliance requirements.
"You Never Know" Factor
The Tech industry's history is filled with features that found unexpected success long after their initial release.
Take X's (Twitter's) hashtags (#), it was an originally a user-suggested feature that seemed unnecessary but became fundamental to social media communication. This unpredictability in feature utility suggests that keeping features around might lead to unexpected innovations and applications.
Modern platforms like Slack, Guilded and Discord have shown how maintaining "unpopular" features can pay off when user needs evolve. Features that seemed niche at first became crucial during the remote work revolution, proving that feature value can change dramatically with shifting user contexts.
The Bottom Line
Before you hit that delete button, remember: features are like plants. Some bloom quickly, others take time, and some might look like they're just taking up space. But each one contributes to the ecosystem of your platform. Plus, maintaining them gives you serious tech karma points, and we could all use some of those.
Remember, in the words of a wise developer (okay, I just made this up): "Code deleted is experience depleted."
So next time you're hovering over that delete button, think twice. Your future self (and users) might thank you for it. Or at least hate you a little less.
P.S. If you've read this far, you're probably the kind of person who actually reads documentation. We should be friends.
Why You Shouldn't Delete Features: A Developer's Love Letter to 'Unpopular' Code by Kush Creates is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
- Table Of Contents:
- Introduction
- The Great Feature Purge: A Modern Tech Tragedy
- Credibility: The Trust Currency
- Beyond The Money Game
- Trust: More Precious Than Your Production Database
- Social Impact: Technology with a Conscience
- The Graveyard of Abandoned Greatness
- The Testing Playground
- The Creation-Deletion Tension
- The Legacy Code Chronicles
- "You Never Know" Factor
- The Bottom Line
When we talk about social impact in technology, we often focus on new innovations. However, maintaining existing features can have just as significant a social impact.
The social impact extends beyond just accessibility. Educational institutions, non-profits, and small businesses often rely on specific features for their operations. Removing these features can disrupt their ability to serve their communities effectively. Look at how Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) maintains features that might seem outdated but are crucial for educational institutions worldwide.
Key social benefits of feature preservation include: